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DAMOCLES  - EVG1-CT-1999-00007






1-2 NOVEMBER 2001






James Bathurst (Coordinator) (U Newcastle)
Ahmed El-Hames (U Newcastle)
Mario Lenzi (U Padova)
Carlo Gregoretti (U Padova)
Vincenzo D'Agostino (U Padova)
Giovanni Crosta (U Milan-Bicocca)
Paolo Frattini (U Milan-Bicocca)
Fausto Guzzetti (CNR-IRPI Perugia)
Alberto Carrara (CNR-CSITE Bologna)
Greta Moretti (U Bologna)
Jose Maria Garcia-Ruiz (CSIC-IPE Zaragoza)
Carlos Marti (CSIC-IPE Zaragoza)
Adrian Lorente (CSIC-IPE Zaragoza)
Santiago Begueria (CSIC-IPE Zaragoza)
Enrique Acosta (IGME Zaragoza)
Tim Ward (U New Mexico, USA) (for 1/11/01)
Chris Kilburn (University College London) (for 1/11/01)


Santiago Rios (IGME Zaragoza)


a) Minutes of Second Progress Meeting (9-11 May 2001)
b) Contractor Progress Reports


Thursday 1 November

9.00- 9.30 Welcome (James Bathurst)

9.30-10.00 Project Overview (James Bathurst)

10.00-10.45 Debris Flow Characteristics and Mapping (Jose Maria Garcia-Ruiz)

10.45-11.15 COFFEE

11.15-11.20 Introduction to GIS Hazard Assessment (Giovanni Crosta)

11.20-11.40 Role and Importance of Data for Landslide Hazard Assessment (Paolo Frattini)

11.40-12.00 3-D Model for Rock Falls (Giovanni Crosta)

12.00-12.20 Distributed Statistical Models for Debris Flows (Alberto Carrara)

12.20-12.45 Discussion of GIS Hazard Assessment

12.45-14.00 LUNCH

14.00-14.45 Small Basin Debris Flow Model (Mario Lenzi)

14.45-15.30 Catchment Scale Landslide Sediment Yield Modelling (Ahmed El-Hames)

15.30-16.00 TEA

16.00-16.30 Web Site (Fausto Guzzetti)

16.30-16.45 Training Courses (Mario Lenzi and Giovanni Crosta)

16.45-17.15 Wrap-up Session with External Assessors

Friday 2 November

9.00- 9.30 Project Overview and Reflections on Yesterday (James Bathurst)

9.30-10.00 Review of Actions form Previous Meeting

10.00-10.30 Review of Work Package Links

- WP1 inputs to WP3 and WP4
- WP3 and WP4 inputs to WP2
- WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 inputs to WP5

10.30-11.00 Final Year Training Programme

11.00-11.30 COFFEE


- Technology Implementation Plan (TIP)
- Reporting
- Publications & Conferences
- Check Table of Partner Information
- Date of next meetings
- Formal end of progress meeting

13.00-14.00 LUNCH


  1. U Newcastle, U Milan-Bicocca and U Padova to circulate a list of model data requirements.

  2. U Newcastle and U Milan-Bicocca to send one-page descriptions of their models to Fausto Guzzetti for the web site.

  3. CSIC-IPE (Jose Maria) and U Bologna (Alberto) to discuss a common approach to discriminant analysis and a comparison of their methods for representing spatial variability for hazard assessment at the EGS meeting in Nice during 21-26 April 2002.

  4. Giovanni to send his granular flows report to Jose Maria for the debris flow relationships report.

  5. Fausto, Mario and Giovanni to work on a web demonstration linking the WP2 and WP3 models.

  6. James to check with the EC if we can use our budget to run workshops.

  7. All partners to send their TIP contribution by 31 January 2002.

  8. James and Mario to report the implications of their staff/contract problems and to provide a new work timetable. James to inform the EC.

  9. All partners to act on the recommendations of the expert assessors.

  10. Alberto, Giovanni and James to work together on linking the WP2 and WP4 models.

  11. Mario and Giovanni to work together on linking the WP2 and WP3 models.

  12. Jose Maria, Giovanni and Mario to send datasets and maps to Fausto for the web site, as specified in the minutes.

  13. Mario and Giovanni to test their training courses before the courses are held in September.

  14. Jose Maria to prepare a proposal for the Zaragoza workshop in collaboration with his end-users.


James Bathurst welcomed the participants to the meeting and to Newcastle. The project was now at the halfway stage and the opportunity was being taken at this meeting to hold an independent assessment of progress. He introduced the two expert assessors, Professor Tim Ward and Dr Chris Kilburn, and presented the arrangements for the assessment. Formal presentations were being made on aspects of the project work to date, as indicated in the agenda, on the first day of the meeting. The expert assessors were participating in this day and were then to produce a report for the EC, commenting on the project's progress and making recommendations for the work to be carried out in the second half of the project.


Presentations were made on the principal aspects of project work, as indicated in the agenda. Full details are in the submitted reports and therefore are not repeated here. The comments of the expert assessors are likewise in their submitted report and are not reproduced here.



James noted that the project had met its milestone and deliverable deadlines to date, as follows:

Month Date Work Package Milestone/Deliverable
6 November 2000 WP5 Website on line
15 May 2001 WP1 Preliminary debris flow relationships
15 May 2001 WP3 Debris flow database for impact model (D6)
18 August 2001 WP2 Granular flow modelling report (D5)
18 August 2001 WP3 Preliminary impact model
18 August 2001 WP4 Preliminary simulation data

The project was also on target to deliver Deliverable 1, the final debris flow relationships from WP1, during November 2001. The resulting reports had been circulated among the partners and would be submitted to the EC. They would also appear on the web site.

Two partners had recently encountered problems which were likely to affect their work programme. The University of Newcastle research associate, Ahmed El-Hames, was leaving for a permanent position at an overseas university in mid-November and was unlikely to be replaced until early 2002. In addition, the University of Padova's end-user and subcontractor ARPAV had not signed its contract and two of that University team's research assistants had not yet been contracted. James and Mario are therefore to provide formal notice of these problems, to assess the implications and to provide a new timetable for completing the project work. James will then formally inform the EC.

The expert assessors had raised a number of useful points. These are in their report which has been circulated to all partners. All partners should therefore review the report and act on its recommendations.

One point that was raised was the involvement of the project end-users and how to ensure that they receive the project results. We therefore reviewed the current contact with the end-users:

  • The Padova team meets once a month with its end-users. The end-users want to use the debris flow model and, after familiarisation with it, will probably ask consultants to use it for them. Other local
    authorities are also interested in the model;

  • The Milan-Bicocca team are in continuous contact with their end-user, who would like to learn how to use their hazard analysis technique;

  • The CSIC-IPE team remains in contact with its Aragon end-users but with not very frequent meetings. The end-users prefer maps and results rather than models;

  • IGME (Zaragoza) is both a partner and a CSIC-IPE end-user. They are already learning how to use the WP3 debris flow model and the CSIC-IPE mapping techniques.


  1. U Newcastle, U Milan-Bicocca and U Padova to circulate a list of model data requirements. Still to be done.

  2. U Newcastle, U Milan-Bicocca and U Padova to send one-page descriptions of their models to Fausto Guzzetti for the web site. U Newcastle and U Milan-Bicocca still to complete this action.

  3. U Padova and CSIC-IPE to confirm a test site for the U Padova model in the Pyrenees. This has been done.

  4. CSIC-IPE (Jose Maria) and U Bologna (Alberto) to agree a common approach to discriminant analysis. In progress.

  5. CSIC-IPE (Jose Maria) and U Bologna (Alberto) to agree on a comparison of their methods for representing spatial variability for hazard assessment. In progress. Actions (4) and (5) should also be discussed at the EGS meeting in Nice during 21-26 April 2002.

  6. All partners to confirm that they are recording staff time on timesheets in case of EC audit. Some form of recording is in place at each partner.

  7. CSIC-IPE, IGME and U Milan-Bicocca to use Mario's table for debris flow description. Actual use depends on the type of debris flow but partners should use the table where it is appropriate.

  8. Jose Maria to provide preliminary debris flow relationships by 11 June (WP1 milestone). This has been done.

  9. Jose Maria to prepare a report on the debris flow relationships developed for the focus areas in the Pyrenees and Alps for November 2001 (WP1 milestone and part of deliverable). This is in progress.

  10. Mario and Giovanni to send their debris flow relationships to Jose Maria and to liaise with him over production of the report. Mario has done this. Giovanni to send the report on granular flows.

  11. Giovanni to produce a report on granular flow models, in collaboration with Mario (WP2 milestone and deliverable). This has been done.

  12. Fausto, Mario and Giovanni to work on a web demonstration linking the WP2 and WP3 models. Still to be done.

  13. Mario and Giovanni to liaise on the training courses for September 2002 and to bring a firm proposal to the next progress meeting. This has been done.

  14. Mario height: 100%; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="left"> James to check with EC if we can use our budget to run workshops. Still to be done.

  15. All partners to alert potential participants of the 2002 workshops. Keep doing this.

  16. James to check with the EC if we can top slice our funds to pay the travel of two experts to review our work. The EC approved funding but from the coordinator's budget.

  17. All partners to suggest names of experts as soon as possible. This was done.

  18. James to send original cost proposal documents to the partners. This has been done.

  19. All partners to send their TIP contributions by 31 July. Only U Padova has completed this action. The TIP is discussed later.

  20. Partners should send two hard copies of each publication to James for forwarding to the EC. Keep doing this.

  21. Fausto to include conference websites on our website. Partners to send him any information which they may have.


8.1 WP1 Inputs to WP3 and WP4

The CSIC-IPE analysis of debris flow relationships will be very helpful for updating the SHETRAN landslide model in WP4.

Application of the WP3 debris flow model in the Pyrenees require specific data and the U Padova team will visit Zaragoza in January/February 2002 to complete the data assembly. The U Padova equation for debris flow volume (based on Italian data) will be tested for the Pyrenees. It may need to be adjusted, though, to allow for the unconfined debris flows typical of the Pyrenees (derived from planar landslides), in contrast to the Italian debris flows which are typically confined in channels (derived from channel bed failure).

8.2 WP3 and WP4 Inputs to WP2

Linking the WP2 (regional landslide susceptibility) and WP4 (SHETRAN) models requires detailed discussion between Alberto, Giovanni and James. A quality test of the models is required. Alberto and Giovanni to send relevant information to James. James to describe how the SHETRAN model could be input to the WP2 model. 

Although it is technically feasible to run the WP2 and WP3 (debris flow) models for the same sites, this has not yet been done. Mario and Giovanni to consider a demonstration. Mario and Giovanni will also discuss the link between the WP2 and WP3 models further and will produce a general report. They will work with Fausto on putting a demonstration link on the web site as described in the previous minutes (the U Padova meeting).

8.3 WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 Inputs to WP5

Fausto has kept the web site updated with new items from the partners. Jose-Maria to send Arc-Info, or equivalent, maps to Fausto. Fausto would like datasets to be sent as fully prepared deliverables, ie properly explained and with captions. Partners should check details with Fausto before sending data and maps.

  • Giovanni to upgrade the Pioverna (Valsassina) maps and data;

  • Jose-Maria to send Pyrenees maps and data;

  • Mario to send site details and model results.

Fausto needs the datasets by the end of this year as his subcontractor is funded only until February. Any powerpoint presentations for the training courses can be out straight onto the web site, eg under the course headings.


The U Padova and U Milan-Bicocca teams presented their joint programme for a training course on the WP3 debris flow model and the WP2 discriminant analysis/hazard mapping during 9-13 September. There will be ten trainees.

  • Official invitations are to be sent to confirm the attendance of people who have expressed an initial interest;

  • Following the recommendation of the expert assessors, a mock training course should be held earlier (eg with students or an end-user) to ensure that the course can achieve its aims;

  • Practical arrangements and accommodation bookings should be made.

The Zaragoza workshop will be held during 14 and 15 May 2002, to be followed by the next project progress meeting on 16 and 17 May. The workshop will include some DAMOCLES presentations. Jose-Maria will circulate a proposal for the workshop, to be prepared in collaboration with his end-users.

A further workshop will be held at Milan in late November/early December.

The workshop languages need to be specified.


10.1 Technology Implementation Plan (TIP)

The four principal contractors are to send their TIPs to James by 31 January 2002. As appropriate the contractors should include their assistant contractors in the TIP.
The work to be done in drawing up a TIP as follows:


1.1 Executive summary (JAMES)

1.2 Overview of all results (ALL PARTNERS) (As a minimum, the project deliverables; but it can include more)

1.3 Quantified data on the project (ALL PARTNERS to provide relevant quantities)
1.4 Description of each single result (ALL PARTNERS) (Refers back to 1.2)

1.5 Quantified data on the result (ALL PARTNERS)

PART 2: (ALL PARTNERS) (Note what we said we would do in Section 7 of the Description of Work contract document)





10.2 Reporting

The next two-month summary reports are due at the end of December. The call for the Year 2 annual reports and financial statements will be issued early in 2002.

10.3 Publications and Conferences

Partners should continue to send two hard copies of each publication to James for forwarding to the EC. Future conferences include:

  • - GS 2002 (21-26 April). Opportunity to report work in progress.

  • International Workshop on Debris-Flow Investigation, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 20-25 August 2002. ( or  (If any one wants to go to this with DAMOCLES funding, you must make the case to the EC as Kazakhstan is not an EC country.)

  • EGS 2003 (7-11 April). This will be joint with the AGU. We must ensure that there are relevant sessions for us to report on  DAMOCLES. Fausto to note this for eventual action.

  • Third International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment, 10-12 September 2003, Davos, Switzerland. This seems ideal for reporting on the DAMOCLES project. As it occurs after the end of DAMOCLES (and is not in an EC country) we must check if we can use DAMOCLES funding to attend. ( )

10.4 Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be in Zaragoza:

  •  workshop 14-15 May 2002

  • progress meeting 16-17 May 2002.