2 : Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (UNIBICO), Italy
will lead Workpackage 2. Within the University the work will be carried
out by the recently founded Department of Geological Science and Geotechnology.
Subcontracts will be let to the University of Bologna (which with
CNR IRPI is a leading centre for the use of GIS in hazard zonation)
and the Lombardy Regional Geological Survey (which is charged with
landslide management in the region). The Survey will be an important
end user of the project results.
Department of Geological Science and Geotechnology has been recently
founded as part of the new University of Milano-Bicocca (transferred
from the Department of Geology, University of Milan). Its main research
subjects concern the assessment of risks: hydrogeological (landslides,
floods, groundwater contamination, etc.), seismic and volcanic, environmental
on land and at sea. The staff is composed of about 25 persons (professors
and researchers) with experience in different fields of geology and
of risk assessment. Through previous positions at the University of
Milan the staff developed extensive experience in the field study
and modelling of debris flows in the Italian Alps and the Apennines,
with a particular interest in the rainfall conditions triggering flow
formation. They played a central role in analysing recent catastrophic
events, in particular the 1987 Valtellina and the 1994 Piemonte disasters.
These analyses have enabled a detailed database on debris flows in
northern Italy to be assembled.
team will comprise two senior academics and two researchers, plus
a senior academic at the University of Bologna.
