3 : CNR-IRPI, Perugia, Italy
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione
Idrogeologica nell’Italia Centrale (CNR-IRPI) will play a major role
in WP2 and WP5. A subcontract will be let to an independent engineer
who will provide expertise for the development of a GIS-based web
system for disseminating project results.
CNR-IRPI Institute in Perugia is one of the leading research institutions
for regional landslide hazard assessment in Italy. The Perugia group
has extensive experience in landslide mapping at different scales
and in different physiographic environments, acquisition of relevant
thematic information from aerial photograph interpretation and field
survey, interpretation of landslide hazard assessment using multivariate
statistical techniques, use of historical information on natural catastrophes
to assess landslide and flood hazard, use of GIS for thematic data
storage and analysis, and production and use of high quality digital
elevation models for geomorphological research. Geologists at IRPI
are currently working with the Lombardy Region Geological Service
and with the Umbria Region Planning Office in preparing landslide
inventory and hazard maps at various scales, and devising methodologies
for the proper application of such maps.
team will consist of two senior researchers and the subcontracted