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DAMOCLES  - EVG1-CT-1999-00007





16-17 MAY 2002






James Bathurst (Coordinator) (U Newcastle)
Greta Moretti (U Newcastle)
Mario Lenzi (U Padova)
Giovanni Crosta (U Milan-Bicocca)
Fausto Guzzetti (CNR-IRPI Perugia)
Alberto Carrara (CNR-CSITE Bologna)
Jose Maria Garcia-Ruiz (CSIC-IPE Zaragoza)
Carlos Marti (CSIC-IPE Zaragoza)
Adrian Lorente (CSIC-IPE Zaragoza)
Santiago Begueria (CSIC-IPE Zaragoza)
Santiago Rios (IGME Zaragoza)
Enrique Acosta (IGME Zaragoza)



a) Minutes of Third Progress Meeting (1-2 November 2001)

b) Contractor Year 2 Reports



Thursday 16 May

10.00-10.15 Welcome (Jose Maria Garcia-Ruiz & James Bathurst)

10.15-10.30 Project Overview and Second Annual Report (James Bathurst)

10.30-10.45 Review of Actions from Previous Meeting


10.45-11.15 WP1 CSIC/IGME Zaragoza (Jose Maria Garcia-Ruiz & Santiago Rios)

11.15-11.45 COFFEE

11.45-12.15 WP2 U Milan-Bicocca (Giovanni Crosta & Fausto Guzzetti)

12.15-12.45 WP3 U Padova (Mario Lenzi)

12.45-13.15 WP4 U Newcastle (James Bathurst)

13.15-14.30 LUNCH

14.30-15.00 WP5 U Newcastle (James Bathurst & Fausto Guzzetti)


15.00-15.30 WP1 In puts to WP3 and WP4

15.30-16.00 WP3 and WP4 Inputs to WP2

16.00-16.30 TEA

16.30-17.00 WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 Inputs to WP5 and Training Programme

17.00-17.45 Review of Zaragoza Workshop and Forward Look to Milan Workshop

Friday 17 May

9.00-10.00 Framework Programme 6


- Year 2 Cost Statements
- Technology Implementation Plan (TIP)
- Reporting
- Publications & Conferences
- Check Table of Partner Information
- Date of next meeting and final meeting
- Formal end of progress meeting



1) U Newcastle and U Milan-Bicocca to circulate a list of model data

2) U Newcastle and U Milan-Bicocca to send one-page descriptions of
their models to Fausto for the web site.

3) Jose Maria, Giovanni and Mario to send datasets and maps to Fausto
for the web site.

4) CSIC-IPE (Jose Maria) and U Bologna (Alberto) tp produce a draft
report on a common approach to discriminant analysis and a comparison of
their methods for representing spatial variability for hazard assessment
for the next progress meeting, in November.

5) Giovanni to discuss with Jose Maria adding the relevant parts from
his report on Granular Flow Modelling to the final debris flow
relationships report.

6) Fausto, Mario and Giovanni to work on a web demonstration linking
the WP2 and WP3 models. This can have powerpoint input and some
explanatory text.

7) James to check with the EC if we can use our budget to run

8) Giovanni to organize the Milan workshop (in collaboration with



Jose Maria Garcia-Ruiz welcomed the participants to the meeting and to
the Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia. James Bathurst thanked Jose Maria,
Carlos Marti and the team at the Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia for their
efforts in organizing and running the workshop over the previous two days.
He noted that the project was now in its final year and that we should
therefore be concentrating on ensuring that we would be able to meet our
deliverable obligations.



James summarised a number of points arising from the Year 2 Management
Report. Two partners (Universities of Newcastle and Padova) had had
staffing and other contractual problems which had delayed their work. As a
result the project timetable (Gantt Chart) has been revised to ensure that
their work programmes remain integrated in the project and will be
finished successfully by the end of the project. The dates for
deliverables D7 (debris flow impact model), D8 (debris flow impact
scenario simulations) and D9 (guidelines for basin land management) have
therefore been put back. Otherwise the project deliverables are being
completed more or less on time. (Deliverable D1, the final Debris Flow
Relationships Report, exists in separate pieces but needs to be integrated
into one report. Giovanni Crosta will discuss with Jose Maria adding the
relevant parts from his report on Granular Flow Modelling.)



1) U Newcastle and U Milan-Bicocca still to circulate a list of
model data requirements. U Padova has completed this action.

2) U Newcastle and U Milan-Bicocca still to send one-page descriptions
of their models to Fausto Guzzetti for the web site.

3) CSIC-IPE (Jose Maria) and U Bologna (Alberto) to produce a draft
report on a common approach to discriminant analysis and a comparison of
their methods for representing spatial variability for hazard assessment
for the next progress meeting.

4) Giovanni has sent his granular flows report to Jose Maria for the
debris flow relationships report.

5) Fausto, Mario and Giovanni to work on a web demonstration linking
the WP2 and WP3 models. This can have powerpoint input and some
explanatory text.

6) James still to check with the EC if we can use our budget to run

7) TIP contribution. This is discussed under contractual matters.

8) James and Mario have reported the implications of their
staff/contract problems and have provided a new work timetable. James has
informed the EC via the Year 2 Management Report.

9) All partners are acting on the recommendations of the expert

10) Alberto, Giovanni and James are working together on linking the WP2
and WP4 models.

11) Mario and Giovanni to work together on linking the WP2 and WP3
models, producing a simple demonstration for the website.

12) Jose Maria, Giovanni and Mario still to send datasets and maps to
Fausto for the web site.

13) Mario and Giovanni to test their training courses before the
courses are held in September. Giovanni will have an opportunity to do
this as part of a Regione Lombardia course in July. Mario already has some
experience of presenting his material to his end-users.

14) Jose Maria organized the Zaragoza workshop in collaboration with
his end-users.



Reports were presented by all the partners, describing progress in each
of the five workpackages. Full details are in the submitted Year 2 reports
and therefore are not repeated here. A number of discussion points are
treated in the next section.



8.1 WP1 Inputs to WP3 and WP4

The final report on Debris Flow Relationships is being coordinated by
Jose Maria. This will support a journal publication.

The WP3 debris flow model continues to be tested at the Sahun site in
the Pyrenees.

The WP4 SHETRAN applications are making use of data collected in the
Valsassina and Ijuez catchments.

8.2 WP3 and WP4 Inputs to WP2

The WP3 debris flow model could be used in a general way to check that
the WP2 hazard analysis is correct in allocating a risk to a subcatchment.

Two different ways are available to determine the volume of material in
a debris flow:

a) Combine the WP2 hazard assessment model with the debris flow volume
equation provided by WP1;
b) Use the WP3 debris flow model.

The WP4 SHETRAN model can support the WP2 hazard assessment for future
conditions as follows:

a) Validate SHETRAN for present-day conditions in Valsassina;
b) Use this model to provide a landslide map as the basis for
generating a WP2 GIS hazard map for present-day conditions;
c) Use SHETRAN with scenario data to provide a landslide map as the
basis for generating a WP2 GIS hazard map for future conditions;
d) Compare the two SHETRAN-based GIS maps to see the effect of the
future conditions on the regional scale hazard assessment.

The Newcastle and Bologna teams are collaborating on this approach.

8.3 Training Programme

The joint Padova/Milan training course takes place during 9-13
September. At Padova the participants will be trained in the use of the
WP3 debris flow model. At Milan-Bicocca they will receive more of a
demonstration of the process of GIS hazard mapping and the use of the
resulting map. They will also learn about the STONE rockfall model.

There has been much interest in the course from the end-users and 12
participants are expected at both Padova and Milan.



The Zaragoza workshop on 14 May attracted participants from the
Diputacion General de Aragon, IGME and local universities (students and
staff). They were treated to an overview of all the DAMOCLES components
and there was discussion at each stage. All the talks and discussion were
in Spanish or Italian. The field visit on 15 May was also well attended.
Jose Maria will write a short report on the workshop.

An important lesson for the Milan workshop is to ensure that the
end-users enter into discussion with the presenters. The presentations
should therefore contain illustrative applications relevant to the
end-users and should pose provocative questions.

The Milan workshop and the next DAMOCLES progress meeting will be
integrated with a GISIG Euroconference on the use of GIS in dealing with
natural hazards, during 18-23 November. The expectation is that this will
increase the number of participants. As the timetable is still fluid,
further details will be given later in the year.



A proposal for an Integrated Project called CASSIOPEIA (Climate change
and Slope Stability Impacts on OPeration of European Infrastructure and
Assets) was discussed. James will submit an Expression of Interest to the
EC for 7 June.



11.1 Year 2 Cost Statements

In general the University partners have so far underspent while the
other partners have slightly overspent. All partners should ensure that
they adjust their expenditure in the final year to meet their allowed

11.2 Technology Implementation Plan (TIP)

A new version (v3.3) is now in force. This is designed so that all
partners can contribute electronically to the same document. The four
principal contractors will contribute to the TIP, which must be completed
by the end of the project.

11.3 Reporting

James will begin a countdown for the final report from 1 January.

All partners should check that they are on target to complete their
project deliverables on time.

11.4 Publications and Conferences

Partners should ensure that costs associated with conferences are
charged to the project before 28 February 2003.

Several DAMOCLES contributions have been accepted for the Third
International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation at Davos in
September 2003.

11.5 Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be in Milan during the week of 18-23 November,
and will include a workshop as well as the final progress meeting.