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Partner 6: Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME), Spain


ITGE will participate as an assistant contractor and end-user principally in Workpackage 1. It will contribute to the project via its Zaragoza Projects Office


Formerly known as the Instituto Geologico y Minero de España (IGME), ITGE is a public research organization within the Spanish Ministry of the Environment with a total staff of 400. It was founded in 1849 with the aims of carrying out research, technological development and technical assistance in geology, mineral resources, groundwater, natural risks, geoenvironment and related disciplines in Spain. It is the national research and information centre on earth sciences and related technologies and is the equivalent of Geological Surveys in other countries. Included in its work is the geological mapping of Spain at various scales and investigation of the relationship between geology and its resources. Of relevance to DAMOCLES, ITGE studies geological risks, seeks to understand the causes of catastrophic events associated with these risks, and provides risk assessments for client organizations. Its activities additionally encompass the analysis of natural and anthropic risks, statistics of natural disasters, prevention of natural risks, theory and forecasting of risks and climatic change


The team will be led by the Chief of the Aragón territorial section of the ITGE and will involve also the Chief of Geological Studies in ITGE.